[SOLVED] Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Use Hexo Blog

If you guys are about to start blogging or already doing blogging on other blogging platforms and wondering “why should you choose Hexo Blog over other blogging platforms?”, then you are at the right place.
So, here are the top 5 reasons why you should use Hexo blog:

#1 Free Hosting
Hexo blogs can be hosted on Heroku(https://www.heroku.com/) for FREE. Heroku is a free hosting platform and is best for blogging purpose because of it’s ‘pay as you go’ nature. You will only have to pay a nominal fee, if and only if, your audience grows to a very large number, otherwise they offer all their services and features for free.
#2 Very Light-Weight Themes
Hexo themes or templates are very light-weight in comparison to those conventional(HTML,CSS,Javascript) blogging themes. It gives Hexo themes an added advantage of loading fast, over those heavy and bulky themes. The ability to load up the blog quickly ends up in a high audience-retention rate.
#3 Easy To Upload Option
Hexo blogs can be hosted just by using hexo deploy -g command. This simple command relieves the blogger from opening the hosting website in a browser and updating the blog manually. This simple command
  • builds the website application,
  • compresses that application,
  • uploads it to the Heroku server, and
  • deploys it onto that server
    all by itself.
#4 Variety Of Templates and Plugins
A fair amount of templates and plugins are available to choose from. Whether you are making a technical blog, a travel blog, a food blog, an educational blog, or any other kind of blog, it has plenty of different options for all those topics. And changing between themes is also very easy, needs a simple copy and paste.
#5 No coding is required
Literally. no coding knowledge is required to make your blog using Hexo, unlike those conventional blogging methods where you need to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript to be able to customize available themes according to your needs.
So, if you are interested and want to try out Hexo blogs, check out my video tutorial where I have explained how to implement it? in a very easy to follow step by step tutorial.



Feel free to comment here or reach me out at Youtube(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSdZIDeOWUoU-qBAyohd08A) in case of any doubts or queries.

Thanks for reading!
